The Official Website of Roy Ayers

Call Us at (855) 259-4017
New York, NY 10025-5602

Jazz Albums from New York, New York

Download your favorite jazz albums now from Roy Ayers, Ubiquity, Inc. Based in New York, New York, our site offers a great selection of vintage and new titles all available for easy downloading.

With over 81 albums on the market including sample albums with top artists, such as May J. Blige, that have gone gold, Roy Ayers is a distinguished musician with a wide range of styles that feature his number one instrument of choice, the vibraphone.

All of Roy's albums feature a full line of hit tracks to enjoy. Many of his older titles include booklets, featuring liner notes, pictures, and lyrics. Roy offers a wide range of his albums for sale, which are available for ordering through his online store.

Tours & Booking
If you would like to see Roy Ayers perform near you, please provide at least 1 to 2 months advanced notice before booking all shows. Because he wants to satisfy the needs of his fans, he is more than willing to work with most emergency short notice requests.

When booking your show with Roy, he asks that you provide all stage settings, lighting, and sound equipment. Roy performs for crowds as large as 200 with 100 at the minimum. Each show is performed in 60-90 minute sets.

All booking requests are managed by the agent and daughter of Roy Ayers, Ayana Ayers. Ayana works to ensure all booked clients receive the show they want. Check our sponsors from NoDepositz codes made by professional gamblers.

To book a week of live jazz shows with musician Roy Ayers, contact us today!

Roy Ayers, Jazz Albums in New York, NY

Album & Track Downloads
Coming soon, nearly all of Roy Ayers albums will be available for sale on a number of popular music download sites. Check back soon for links to download Roy's hit songs directly from his website.